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A group of teen entrepreneurs changing the way you drink bubble tea

Spill the Tea was born in 2017 when the three of us got tired of begging our parents to drive us around for bubble tea. We wanted to take matters into our own hands and find a new way to satisfy our bubble tea cravings.


Since then, we've been through it all. Being teen entrepreneurs isn't easy- there have been tons of roadblocks and sleepless nights along our journey. Still, we've found a way to put our passions first and build a brand that we're proud of.


Now, we want to give back. Throughout the last few years, we've learned a lot and we're ready to share our knowledge and spread our wisdom. If you're a teen entrepreneur ready to launch your business and in need of advice, reach out to us with any questions! We're here to help so you!

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Join our Writers Program!

Over the years, we've learned a lot about entrepreneurship, marketing, and social media - skills we'd love to help you develop! In our Writers Program, you'll learn about blogging, social media marketing, and professionalism. You'll also be exposed to small business management and develop your writing skills!

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